11 Common Myths About Alcoholism West Palm Beach

There’s plenty of misinformation surrounding all kinds of substance abuse, which can be detrimental to you and others. While all types of alcohol can be addictive, the serving sizes can differ based on the type. For instance, one serving of beer is 12 ounces, with 5% alcohol by volume. Compare this to a serving of spirits, which is 1.5 ounces and contains 40% alcohol by volume. Also sometimes called partial hospitalization programs, IOPs offer a second level of care. Depending on the severity of the patient’s AUD and their support network at home, this may be a good alternative to a residential program.

Geneticists believe genes from parents who struggle with alcoholism are passed down to their children. It is believed that AUD is 50 percent genetic, making those with it in their history extremely prone to the disease. Though environmental, physical, and biological factors affect men and women equally, there is a higher rate of AUD in men than women. Specifically, nine million men have AUD compared to 5.5 million women.

More on Substance Abuse and Addiction

If you think you may have alcohol use disorder or a related problem, such as binge drinking, you’re not alone. And while they may not necessarily have alcohol use disorder, regular binge drinking could lead to developing myths about alcoholism alcohol use disorder. If a recent doctor’s appointment told you that your liver is in good shape, don’t think that’s a free excuse to drink heavily. This includes your heart, blood pressure, kidneys and mental health.

While many people drink to “feel better,” they will likely feel worse in the long run. Alcohol slows the central nervous system, which can compound depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental stress, especially in chronic drinkers. Our brains and bodies are programmed to react negatively to a substance like alcohol. This number can be astronomical for the dependent drinker, and many find themselves with financial problems due to excessive consumption.

Many Traditional Methods of “Supporting” Alcoholics Are Not Beneficial

That’s why, at Lifetime Recovery, we create a custom treatment plan tailor-made for each person that comes to see us and their needs. There’s a common misconception out there that alcoholism isn’t as big of a deal as other dependencies and addictions, such as heroin or prescription pills. This is not only completely false but can also be an incredibly dangerous ideology to have.

It was only when people become sober that they realize how boring and limited their life was during the midst of their addiction. Sobriety usually means that the individual does not have enough hours in the day to do all the things they want to do. Boring is rarely https://ecosoberhouse.com/ a problem for people who have built a life in sobriety. There are many misconceptions about alcoholism that can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Some of these common myths can even be used by alcoholics as a means to stay in denial about their problem.

Myth #1: I Do Not Have a Problem Because I Can Hold My Liquor

Twenty-four million Americans 18 years and older make up the top 10 percent of people who drink more than 50 percent of all alcohol. To be part of the top 10 percent, a person would have to drink two bottles of wine with every dinner or 74 alcoholic drinks per week. While this may sound outrageous and impossible, given the level of people suffering from AUD, it is true.

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