Natural Language Processing With Python’s NLTK Package

What is Natural Language Processing?

examples of natural language processing

In order to produce significant and actionable insights from text data, it is important to get acquainted with the basics of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Above, we’d mentioned the use of caption generation to help create captions for YouTube videos, which is helpful for disabled individuals who may need additional support to consume media. Caption generation also helps to describe images on the internet, allowing those using a text reader for online surfing to “hear” what images are illustrating the page they’re reading. This makes the digital world easier to navigate for disabled individuals of all kinds.

Our results indicate that the structure of prompts significantly impacts the performance of GPT models and should be considered when designing them. With recent technological advances, computers now can read, understand, and use human language. ​Government agencies are awash in unstructured and difficult to interpret data. To gain meaningful insights from data for policy analysis and decision-making, they can use natural language processing, a form of artificial intelligence. Well, it allows computers to understand human language and then analyze huge amounts of language-based data in an unbiased way.

Natural Language Processing Applications and Examples for Content Marketers

Government agencies are bombarded with text-based data, including digital This is where natural language processing (NLP) comes into play in artificial intelligence applications. Without NLP, artificial intelligence only can understand the meaning of language and answer simple questions, but it is not able to understand the meaning of words in context.

  • A lot of the data that you could be analyzing is unstructured data and contains human-readable text.
  • Now, thanks to AI and NLP, algorithms can be trained on text in different languages, making it possible to produce the equivalent meaning in another language.
  • Understanding these fundamental ideas helps us better recognize how this contemporary technology fits into business processes and provides a platform for further investigation of its potential and valuable uses.
  • Next, we are going to use the sklearn library to implement TF-IDF in Python.

A bag of words model converts the raw text into words, and it also counts the frequency for the words in the text. In summary, a bag of words is a collection of words that represent a sentence along with the word count where the order of occurrences is not relevant. It uses large amounts of data and tries to derive conclusions from it. Statistical NLP uses machine learning algorithms to train NLP models.

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Then, using text-to-speech translations with natural language generation (NLG) algorithms, they reply with the most relevant information. With the help of NLP, computers can easily understand human language, analyze content, and make summaries of your data without losing the primary meaning of the longer version. Natural language processing is an AI technology that enables computers to understand human language and its delicate ways of communicating information.

  • The use of NLP in the insurance industry allows companies to leverage text analytics and NLP for informed decision-making for critical claims and risk management processes.
  • Google has employed computer learning extensively to hone its search results.
  • In the graph above, notice that a period “.” is used nine times in our text.
  • Businesses are inundated with unstructured data, and it’s impossible for them to analyze and process all this data without the help of Natural Language Processing (NLP).

This will allow you to work with smaller pieces of text that are still relatively coherent and meaningful even outside of the context of the rest of the text. It’s your first step in turning unstructured data into structured data, which is easier to analyze. Another essential topic is sentiment analysis, which lets computers determine the sentiment underlying textual input and whether a statement is favorable, unfavorable, or neutral. This idea has broad ramifications, particularly for customer relationship management and market research.’s NLP platform gives publishers and content producers the power to automate important categorization and metadata information through the use of tagging, creating a more engaging and personalized experience for readers.

Bring analytics to life with AI and personalized insights.

Natural language processing applications allow users to communicate with a computer in their own worlds, i.e. in natural language. Grammar and spelling is a very important factor while writing professional reports for your superiors even assignments for your lecturers. That’s why grammar and spell checkers are a very important tool for any professional writer. They can not only correct grammar and check spellings but also suggest better synonyms and improve the overall readability of your content. And guess what, they utilize natural language processing to provide the best possible piece of writing!

These are the most popular applications of Natural Language Processing and chances are you may have never heard of them! NLP is used in many other areas such as social media monitoring, translation tools, smart home devices, survey analytics, etc. Chances are you may have used Natural Language Processing a lot of times till now but never realized what it was. But now you know the insane amount of applications of this technology and how it’s improving our daily lives. If you want to learn more about this technology, there are various online courses you can refer to.

Getting Started With Python’s NLTK

It is not a general-purpose NLP library, but it handles tasks assigned to it very well. The NLTK Python framework is generally used as an education and research tool. However, it can be used to build exciting programs due to its ease of use. Pragmatic analysis deals with overall communication and interpretation of language. It deals with deriving meaningful use of language in various situations. Intermediate tasks (e.g., part-of-speech tagging and dependency parsing) have not been needed anymore.

Read more about here.

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